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Your Partner for Data Excellence:
AI, Data Science, & Cloud Consultancy

Transform Your Business with Comprehensive Data Insights - Our Data Strategy, AI, and Cloud Consulting Services are Your Path to ROI in Data Science and ML Solutions.

Our Solutions

Let Your Data Take Your Business to Higher Grounds


Our highly skilled team of ML Engineers, Data Scientists, Data Analysts, data quality assurance specialists, and AI-specialized Program managers will help your team to achieve your goals faster. Whether you are at the start or mid-way of your journey, we will help you build the future.


We will assist you to define a Octagonal data strategy that will focus on data culture, data governance, data quality, data sharing, team structuring, capability assessment, resulting in a clear high-ROI from your D&A investments.


Neurabytes provides a collection of small pre-built projects that will help you get to the market faster. Neurabytes accelerate aims to reduce the boilerplate tasks and help you focus on the key activities for your business problem.

How We Work?

Our highly skilled team of ML Engineers, Data Scientists, Data Analysts, data quality assurance specialists, and AI-specialized Program managers will help your team to achieve your goals faster. Whether you are at the start or mid-way of your journey, we will help you build the future.




  • High level problem statement

  • Minimum viable product

  • Intended value of the solution

  • Feasibility of the solution

  • Timeline and investment

  • ROI on the investment

  • Plan the Sprint 0

  • Create the backlog and define stories

  • Execute the sprints

  • Continuous delivery of releases

  • Timely Sprint end Demos

  • Replan & improve with feedback

  • Operationalize the production

  • Monitoring & fixing issues

  • Team Upskilling

  • Knowledge transfer for transition

  • Documentation

  • HandOff

Abstract Lines

Why Choose Us?

Citizen Data Science First

We will assist you in defining a full-fledged data strategy that will focus on data quality, data sharing, team structuring, and capability assessment, resulting in a clear high-ROl from your D&A investments.

Tech First Data Solutions

We are engineers turned Data Engineers then turned ML Engineers who are well versed in the challenges that a team faces to operationalize the Data Science

Data Strategy framework

We have a unique 8-core area-based Data
Strategy framework to transform your company into a Data-Centric company.

Experienced Team

We come with vast experience of many successes and few failures. We are highly skilled in Al, Data Science, and Cloud solutions.

We work with Agility

We operate in an agile manner, which means when a project evolves, we adjust tactically to reach the end objectives.

End to End solutioning

We operate at all levels of
implementation, which means we can help you with Data Engineering, Data Analysis, and ML Modeling.

Contact Us

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